F-35B Jet Goes Down Near Charleston: Debris Field Confirmed and Pilot found safe

September 18, 2023
1 min read
Pilot Sitting in a F 35 Lightning II of the Royal Australian Air Force

The Gist: Debris from the missing F-35B Lightning II jet has been located in Williamsburg County.

What Happened?: Recovery teams discovered the debris field two hours northeast of Charleston. The F-35B was from Marine Fighter Attack Training Squadron and had a mishap. Fortunately, the pilot ejected safely and is now in stable condition at a local medical center.

By The Numbers:

  • 1 F-35B Lightning II jet involved in the mishap.
  • 1 pilot safely ejected and now in stable condition.
  • Multiple teams from various bases and organizations involved in the search and recovery.

Why It Matters: The F-35B is a cutting-edge military aircraft, and any mishap involving such an asset is of national importance. The event draws attention to the safety and reliability of military equipment and the coordination required in such emergency situations.

What’s Next?: Joint Base Charleston will be transferring incident command to the USMC. They will lead the recovery phase and the subsequent investigation into the cause of the mishap. Community members are advised to steer clear of the area during this period.

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